The War Years in Aitutaki
A coverage of events during World War II
1942 - 1945

Military vehicles used on Aitutaki during WWII
Prior to the arrival of the US Army in 1942, transport on Aitutaki was limited to horse, cart and bicycle. Only two motorised vehicles were known to have been present on the island at that time - these were two locally owned Ford Model T trucks.
The arrival of earth moving machinery for the construction of the airfield, and Task Force 8408 with its motor pool of 60 trucks, would have been an overwhelming sight on a small island used to the very basics of such mechanisation.
At the closing of the war, at least 8 of the US military vehicles remained on Aitutaki to form the New Zealand government's motor pool at the airfield.
The next most common vehicle in the motor pool was the popular 1/4 ton 4X4 truck or jeep [Click on images for more details]
The most sophisticated of pre-war mechanised transport on Aitutaki - a Ford Model T truck [Click on image for more details]
GMC CCKW 2 1/2 ton 6X6 truck was the main vehicle in the motor pool on Aitutaki. [Click on images for more details]
Dodge WC-53 3/4 ton carryall. Configured as an ambulance below [Click on images for more details]
Chevrolet G506 1 1/2-ton 4X4 dump truck. At left, Aitutaki labourers collect coral for the runway. [Click on images for more details]